By Monique Hanse and Vera Nooijen
Body maps
Class notes
Powerplay skin color
Final map
Now that we are at home these days we use social media a lot to keep in touch with the rest of the world. For this we often use emoticons to enhance our story. In addition to all these emoticons, there are also emoticons that match your appearance. Now we have become curious about the skin colours under these emoticons.

We asked ourselves the following questions after reading the articles:

- what information can we get from mapped out skin colour emoticons?
- Are we trying to be colourblind?
- Are there differences between social media apps, while using emoticons?
- Which skin tone color is used the most in The Netherlands?
- How and why do people use skin tone emoticons on a chat medium, for example WhatsApp?
- Is there a difference between man and female while using emoticons?
Enquête we distributed to our family and friends to gain more insight into the use of emoticons on whatsApp.

Overview answers enquête
Yellow - 20 %

Light skin tone - 60 %

Medium-Light skin tone - 15 %

Medium skin tone - 5 %

Which skin tone color do our family and friends use the most.
Which emoticons do our family and friends use the most.
Conclusion enquête