By Monique Hanse and Vera Nooijen
Body maps
Class notes
Powerplay skin color
Final map
Color blind

These days we use Social media more than we have ever done. We wane stay in contact with the world by using the internet. We wane share our emotions by using emoticons. Since 2015 there are a lot more options to express yourself in the diversity of skin tones. Right now, there are 5 skin tones that you can choose from exclusive the original yellow. How do you choose which emoji skin tone suits you?

Unconsciously you are consciously choosing skin colors within the option that are possible. This map will help you find the skin tone emoticon that suits you the best. This map is going to make you aware of al the options. First you start with choosing a skin tone that you prefer this will give you a number that you can use in the map. For the next step you will pick a hair color now you will receive a letter. Continue like this until you have completed all the steps. Right now, you can match your number with the letter, and you will find the emoticon that suits you the best

This map is based on Apple's emoticons within WhatsApp.

This map is under construction. With this map we want to make you aware of how many choices there actually are within the skin color emoticons. And that you will never really fit exactly within the box. They really tried to offer more diversity within the emoticons and make it more personal. But in the end, this will never be achievable. Vera and I are unconsciously very consciously making choices within this topic and we are very surprised by our research.

The map on the left of the text is a small principle of what we want to achieve for our final map.
We want to expand this map with all skin tone emoticons to create a nice overview so that we can give you an insight into the emoticon skin world. For this card we used the Apple's emoticons within WhatsApp. Our next step consists of expanding this map and mapping these emoticons as realistically as possible. This folder needs to be good designed so that it is attractive to the eye and it will be easy to read.